Oropesa del Mar Turismo

Legal information

Legal information

1. Introduction

The Town Council hereby informs you of the General Terms and Conditions that regulate the access, browsing and use of the Internet Portal of the Town Council of Oropesa del Mar. In particular, it informs and regulates the access and use of the following websites:

Internet Portal

In accordance with Article 39 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, an Internet portal is understood to be the electronic access point, in this case http://www.oropesadelmar.es/ (as well as any of its subdomains, microsites and/or mobile applications) whose ownership corresponds, in this case, to the Town Council of Oropesa del Mar, which allows access via the Internet to the information published and to the Electronic Headquarters.

Electronic Headquarters

In accordance with Article 38 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, the electronic headquarters of Oropesa del Mar Town Council is located on the Internet at the address (URL) Sede Electrónica.

The electronic headquarters of the Town Council is the electronic address available through which citizens access information and electronic services and procedures through telecommunications networks whose ownership, management and administration corresponds to the Town Council in the exercise of its powers.

The Electronic Headquarters is, in general, freely accessible and does not require prior subscription or registration by the user. However, for security and privacy reasons, access to some areas and services of the e-Office may be subject to specific authentication conditions that are established in the detailed information corresponding to each particular service.

This Electronic Headquarters allows actions, procedures and services that require electronic access via the Internet for citizens to the public services of Oropesa del Mar Town Council to be carried out securely, efficiently and with the required accessibility and quality.

For this reason, it is recommended that you read this 'Legal Notice' carefully before browsing the website.

2. Nature of the information published on the Portal

The information offered through this medium is for illustrative purposes only and does not give rise to any rights or expectations of rights and is not responsible for the contents accessible through links or documents on other domains.
Oropesa del Mar Town Council endeavours to ensure that this information is accurate and precise, and proceeds to update it as quickly as possible, trying to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as they are detected. However, Oropesa del Mar Town Council cannot guarantee that there are no errors or that the content of the information is permanently updated.

The information contained in the Portal may be modified and updated by Oropesa del Mar Town Council, without prior notice, both in terms of its content and its design and presentation.
The information provided in response to any query or request for information is merely indicative and in no case be binding for the resolution of administrative procedures, which are strictly subject to the laws or regulations that apply to them.

In general, the information available on this Portal must be understood as a guide with no legal validity. The administrative information provided through it does not replace the legal publication of laws, general provisions and acts that have to be formally published in the official journals or bulletins of the public administrations. In the event of any discrepancy between the version of documents and information obtained on this website and the version considered official, the official version of the administrations is the only legally valid one.

The Town Council endeavours to ensure that the information is accurate and precise, and will proceed to update it as quickly as possible, trying to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as they are detected. The Town Council of Oropesa del Mar cannot guarantee the non-existence of errors, nor that the content of the information is permanently updated.

4. Responsibility

Oropesa del Mar Town Council shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from, but not limited to, the following

(i) Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or in Users' computer apparatus and equipment, caused by causes beyond the control of Oropesa del Mar Town Council, which prevent or delay the provision of services or navigation through the System.

(ii) Delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems.

(iii) That may be caused by third parties through illegitimate intromissions beyond the control of and not attributable to Ayuntamiento de Oropesa del Mar.

(iv) The impossibility of providing the service or allowing access for reasons not attributable to the Town Hall of Oropesa del Mar, due to the User, third parties or force majeure.

(v) The Oropesa del Mar Town Council Portal may contain links to the electronic offices of other public administrations or to the web pages of other bodies, companies or institutions, with the aim of making it easier for citizens to find information and resources on the Internet. However, these pages are not their property and, therefore, Oropesa del Mar Town Council is not responsible for their content, operation or the possible consequences that may arise from accessing or using them. It may be indicated, through messages on the links, whether or not by accessing them the Oropesa del Mar Town Council Portal is being abandoned. In any case, on leaving the address http://www.oropesadelmar.es/ the information or services accessed are outside the sphere of responsibility of the owner of the electronic site of Oropesa del Mar Town Council.

5. Intellectual and industrial property

The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, domain names, brands, as well as the information and contents collected throughout the Portal are protected by Spanish legislation, in favour of Oropesa del Mar Town Council.

Their use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited without the express authorisation of Oropesa del Mar Town Council.

The licence to use any content of this site, granted to the User, is limited to the downloading of said content and its private use. In accordance with article 8 of Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the re-use of public sector information, the re-use of information from the Administrations and public sector bodies shall be subject, among others, to the following general conditions: (a) That the content of the information is not altered. (b) That the meaning of the information is not distorted. (c) That the source is cited and (d) That the date of the last update is mentioned.