Oropesa del Mar Turismo


Enjoy Oropesa del Mar at your own pace

Audio-guided tours of the city

The audio guide service of Oropesa del Mar offers you the possibility of touring the most iconic places of the municipality while you receive visual, technical and historical information of the different sites of each route.

This service comes with a sign language version, free of charge, by means of a signing guide in video format and induction loops for hearing aids, allowing the deaf or those with hearing loss full accessibility to information.

Signing guide and magnetic loop

The tour caters fully for deaf and hearing-impaired people. An adaptation of the tour in sign language is available to tourists through sign language guides. Likewise, Tourist Info and Naturhiscope have mobile induction loops for people with hearing aids.

Press play and immerse yourself in our history

Ideal to enjoy the city at your leisure and at your own pace.